Retreat to Stillness
Sometimes I can’t (do not want to) keep up,
So I just take a step back.
With a vision cradled by my soul, I see it all, I see it all –
I see the willow’s weeping branches,
I smell the tortured mirth, I still find solace-
For it offers a sanctuary of stillness
The world blurs, and I am it’s sole observer,
Life rushes by, yet I am still, yearning for incessant stillness
I hear the birds singing secrets to the wind,
I hear the leaves whisper ancient tales of loss and win
I close my eyes, attuning to the symphony
Not the cacophony of chaos, but the quiet notes slipping away to form blessed harmony…
Sometimes I can’t (do not want to) keep up
So I just take a step back
And in that step, I find the universe
Not in the rush, but in the stillness.
But I will be ready soon, that soon will come soon enough!
And when I’m ready, I shall step back into the current;
Not as a warrior, but as a dancer.
I shall sway with the water, knowing that retreat is not defeat
I shall Believe in the stillness for it blurs bits of sorrow
I shall Believe in its essence for it will make me ready for a good morrow.