Je ne regrette rien Lady Butterfly

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Je ne regrette rien Lady Butterfly

“Je ne regrette rien” may be your mantra but not mine

I can’t be like you Lady Butterfly –

You’re the Queen, of the colours Emerald Green and the Blues of Sky

I admire you but I never want to be like you Lady Butterfly-


You got out of the spell you weaved; for your own self, but why oh why?

I shall not say I am proud of you Lady Butterfly –

Your salacious stories made your slate unclean 

You may cradle fame, but you lack that innocent sheen –


You walked down the aisle so many times!

I can tell it pained you, ruined you and you had to sacrifice so much, and it was “pain divine”  –

Your fever to fly high;

Came crashing down on you like a withering sigh


Alas! you fell in love, true love, in your own sculpted screen

You were ferocious and mean…

To protect the ones you loved, you hesitated not; to become wrathful green!

Nature took so much from you but your glamour was untouched and unparalleled Lady Fly;


But did you really want that Lady Fly?

Didn’t it usher in illimitable hurt and sacrifice?


You are one of a kind Lady Butterfly!


It is attractive but I must let it go in peace, so that I may be fine –

“Je ne regrette rien” may be your mantra; but it is not mine


Manizey is an academic and storyteller based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. She has a fondness for the macabre and the supernatural, and is always dreaming up fantastic scenarios.

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